Dental bridges are ideal for people who have lost one or more chompers consecutively. This single prosthetic can replace multiple missing teeth and is customized to look as lifelike as possible for seamless results.
If your dental bridge falls out, you might think of it as a mere inconvenience. However, your remaining teeth and connective tissues are more vulnerable to decay, disease, and injury without it so it’s important to call your dentist right away. Then, keep reading to learn what else you can do to help yourself until your scheduled appointment time.
What Should I Do if My Dental Bridge Falls Out?
Although losing your restoration doesn’t necessarily constitute an emergency, it’s best to have it repaired or replaced as soon as possible to protect your smile. The longer you go without it, the more likely your healthy teeth are to shift out of alignment to fill in the wide open space in your smile. This prematurely wears down your enamel, increasing the likelihood of developing cavities, periodontal problems, or sustaining chips, cracks, or other injuries.
That means contacting your dentist is the first thing you should do if your dental bridge is dislodged. Then, try to find it (or its pieces, if it broke) and rinse it gently under running water to remove any blood, dirt, or debris. Finally, store it in a airtight container or plastic baggy to take with you to your appointment when it’s time.
Try to avoid eating or chewing anything with that side of your mouth in the meantime. If you’re hurting, it’s usually safe to take over-the-counter meds like Tylenol or ibuprofen to address discomfort.
How Does My Dental Fix My Dislodged Dental Bridge?
If you sustained a life-threatening injury that knocked your restoration out of place, you should head to the closest ER immediately. Otherwise, contact your dentist to let them know what happened so they can schedule an appropriate time to see you, based on your unique circumstances. If your situation is urgent, they will likely book a same-day appointment so you don’t have to wait.
Once you arrive, they’ll examine the extent of the damage to determine possible solutions. If your remaining teeth and prosthetic are all in relatively good condition, they may be able to recement it back in place. Otherwise, they’ll work with you to provide other treatments or replace your dental bridge so you can continue to eat and speak normally.
Now that you know what to do if your dental bridge falls out, you can act quickly to restore it!
Meet the Author
Dr. Tariq Shiyab has 20+ years of experience helping people build and maintain the happiest, healthiest version of their smiles. He graduated from the Jordan University of Science and Technology and then completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency Program at the Dade County Dental Research Clinic in Miami. Today, he offers a wide range of services to meet all your needs conveniently under one roof, including dental bridges. If your prosthetic has been damaged or dislodged, you can request an appointment on the website or call (904) 287-0033.